#he is so chronically offline
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cayliecoltrane · 1 year ago
quick lil ETHOwO redraw
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twilightkitkat · 4 months ago
Poolverine texting would be so hilarious because Wade would use emojis and slang and all lowercase, while Logan (who is old and set in his ways) would type in complete sentences with capitalization. Double space after the full stop and all.
It'd literally be like a Gen Z kid texting their grandma with how Wade and Logan's conversations go. Logan would 100% be a slow texter who types it all in one message (think about waiting 5 minutes just to get an "Okay. I love you. Talk to you later." text), while Wade would be an extreme yapper over text and send his scrambled thoughts out over multiple messages. Logan is astounded by how much he can type in 20 seconds even if the grammar is atrocious (he also finds it endearing as hell because it reflects how Wade talks to him in real life and it always leaves him warm inside to imagine Wade lighting up as he rants about his latest passion).
They'd also suffer from the intergenerational communication gap. The first time Logan used quotation marks for emphasis, Wade freaked the fuck out because why is he mad?? What is he insinuating by wishing him a "Good" day? How did he fuck up?? All while Logan feels proud of himself for really showing that he cares and wants Wade to have fun while he's out.
(When Wade came home with a bottle of his favorite whiskey and sweets from his favorite bakery he was touched but confused as hell. Until Wade finally revealed he thought he was mad and Logan and Wade nearly lost it when they realized the miscommunication.)
Logan isn't used to texting so he prefers to call most of the time (and so does Wade, he loves hearing Logan's voice and not having to decipher ancient texting rituals), but he makes an effort to text Wade throughout the day to let him know he's thinking about him and that he cares and misses him. Wade doesn't always get the exact meaning but his heart is in the right place and he sends long-winded rants about random shit he saw or people who annoyed him throughout the day so he and Logan never really feel apart.
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allthe-starss · 5 months ago
PLEASE why is spencer literally me
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beiyuanism · 3 months ago
au where fadel has a cooking blog under a fake name where he posts his recipes. every entry has that typical long, oddly personal introduction, except he assumes no one ever reads them anyway so he uses it as a diary of sorts. like, "growing up, mother would often be gone for weeks at a time, unless it was time for my younger brother and i to train to become assassins, so i was the one to cook in our household most of the time. this is the dish i would make on the days when i had no energy to cook after spending them at the shooting range" or "i developed this recipe for my late boyfriend a few years ago. he was the love of my life, so it really hurt me when i had to kill him on mother's orders, and i haven't made this dish again since then, but it's honestly a really good recipe and it would be a shame not to share it".
at some point, someone posts about it on twitter and it goes viral. people think it's just a very good bit and the author is extremely committed to it, because through the pieces of information you can actually piece together a full story of his life since childhood to most recent events, and it's so bizarre that no one considers it could be anything but a creative writing exercise for a bored housewife whose name he publishes under. that is, until someone accidentally remembers that a recent recipe on that one cooking blog had a story scarily similar to the assassination they're just hearing about on the news now, and people start connecting the blog posts to other unsolved assassinations. in the end, the consensus is that this is either a very dedicated expert in politics who is coincidentally crazy enough to cosplay as a killer in a niche cooking blog, or someone who knows enough about the mechanics of political killings to accidentally predict things. anyone who thinks the infamous assassin who's managed to escape dozens of times is writing about this on a public blog in his free time is treated as a conspiracy theorist, because, really, you have to be stupid to think that.
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horsemeatluvr23 · 10 months ago
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yordeku · 5 months ago
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dvrcos · 11 months ago
ok but what would Kevin's reaction be to the whole 'Roman empire' trend as an avid lover of history and the Roman empire, and would he have a Roman empire that isn't actually the Roman empire? (Or exy)
Nicky or Dan or one of the upperclassmen would see the trend and go around asking all of the other Foxes and ask “how often do you think about the Roman Empire” and they’re mostly just confused and don’t take it too seriously but then they get to Kevin
And he just sighs and genuinely takes a second to think about it before seriously answering
“Two to three times a day”
He’s just so genuine in the answer because my boy is not active on social media and would not know it’s a trend, at least early on he wouldn’t. So he thought they were just genuinely asking
The video gets posted on the Foxes social media and all of the disbelieving comments finally clue Kevin into the trend but he also stands firm and refuses to be embarrassed
Que “Daily Facts about the Roman Empire featuring Kevin Day” becoming a series across all of the Foxes social media for a few weeks
When someone asks him what his Roman Empire is he does genuinely answer that but he also probably says tea and Hamilton
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gwandas · 6 months ago
explained to my bf what an x reader fic was today
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spidermantbh · 10 months ago
sometimes i like to scroll through tumblr and act like how i think cillian murphys chronically offline brain would react.
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wovenstarlight · 9 months ago
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percentstardust · 9 months ago
abigail sending memes like this to lazar
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yeokii · 2 years ago
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joshsindigostreak · 2 months ago
Me: “…in another life, I am queening out with Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper on live television…”
Taurus Man: “…huh??”
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shriekingpyre · 1 year ago
it's been a week since i texted him and i've genuinely forgotten that i did it lmao
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pplatonic · 1 year ago
Hey, for everyone saying xenogenders are chronically online: Today in psych class we talked about gender dysphoria and I got to illustrate my view of gender graphically. It looked like a venn diagram with four heavily overlapping circles - one of them was xenogender.
My class was ENTIRELY receptive to it. This receptiveness included a straight, cis, white, christian male who had never heard of it before. And he was totally cool with it! We even took two minutes going on about what our gender would be if we described it in xenic terms. My teacher said he'd be the point of a mountain that intersects with clouds in the sky. Another said a ball of lint. I said the ocean. Not one of us said it was "impossible" or "cringe" or any of that xenogender-phobic shit.
If you're xenogender you're valid. The world, the real, offline world thinks so too. What's "chronically online" and "cringe" is being full of hate.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 9 months ago
rafe would not understand internet slang and it takes 20 years off his life anytime anyone says something. Hes so chronically offline.
“Babe, what the fuck does cunty mean and why are your friends commenting it on your post? Are they calling you a cunt or something? Cause why the fuck would the-“ he asked, coming back into your room with his toothbrush and phone in his hands.
“No, rafe!” You laughed at him. He furrowed his eyebrows, putting the brush in his mouth as you explained. “It’s a good thing. It’s like… a compliment.”
“What? How is cunt a compliment? And then on the video with me and you, some other girl commented… ‘he is so Lana del Rey core.’ What the fuck does that even mean?” he read off the comment. “And ‘you both ate up the whole party?’”
“They’re all compliments.” You were laughing hysterically at this point.
“I will never get you.” He shook his head, putting his toothbrush back in his mouth and walking to the bathroom, looking down at his phone.
“Oh girl you served? Like a fuckin’ waitress?” He asked, coming out from the bathroom, furrowing his eyebrows. You shook your head and smiled.
“Oh, never change baby. Never change.”
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